TheĀ Findability Blog


Why do we talk about findability?

content findability search Jan 04, 2025

Welcome to 2025!  

Let's start the year off at the beginning... why do we talk about findability

Is it Search? SEO? Marketing? Optimization? 

It is related to all of these, but it's true purpose is to set up your content to be included in search engines.  To set the stage and contribute to your marketing via search, the content you spend so much time creating must be readable by search engine programs.  These programs read content and place links to it in their catalog if there is perceived value in the content.  

I understand the media wants to talk about SEO or search engine optimization, however, optimization does not apply if your content is not included in the catalog in the first place.

Take the simple steps

There are a few simple steps you can take so search engines can identify your content properly.  Titles, headlines, descriptions, image text, links in the proper make up will help you ensure inclusion and findability.

I wish you a splendid New Year in your business!


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