TheĀ Findability Blog


Spoken Words for Voice Search

content search Nov 03, 2023


I want to ask you to seriously consider the difference between written and spoken words.

Spoken words are infused with emotion through body language and context in conversation.

If you have ever given a presentation using slides, you know that no matter what your slides say, what you will say is always different.

mix it up

You ideal client looking for a solution using search may be speaking into their phone.

You have an opportunity to directly respond to common questions they may ask of search in your content.

Within your content piece make the title and main headline contain the question your client frequently asks.

Use the language they will speak.

give it your all 

Your piece of content that answers their question must also be extremely helpful and useful too.

Search engines have many articles to choose from for search results - make sure yours a fantastic candidate for them to choose!




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