TheĀ Findability Blog


Are You Findable?

content findability search Sep 24, 2022
Checklist for findability

Podcasts, website pages, videos, and blogs are created and published online through many different platforms.  Every platform has its own way of letting you describe and tag your work so visitors can search for content on the platform. 

For example, buzzsprout, the popular podcasting platform - once you are ready to upload your podcast episode, the platform asks you to complete the show notes for the episode.  The show notes consist of the episode a title, a description, and a display image associated with the episode. 

Did you know the episode title and description will actually become the link and description shown in google search results for the episode when it is included in Google's vault of information?

It's true, and you can use the show notes as an opportunity to target your audience of listeners by using the words or phrases your listeners may type into when searching for content like yours. 

The same is true when uploading video assets to YouTube.  As YouTube is owned by Google we can be sure the videos available on the platform are included in Google search results.  Therefore, naming a video and describing it the way your potential clients may look for it is crucial.  Below is a sample of two videos I posted on YouTube showing in search results.

And here is the view of the YouTube video information area to see how I described the videos.

As you can see the description and title I gave this video are exactly what Google served back to me when I searched for my youtube videos on

So take the opportunity when uploading your work to place keywords, phrases, and questions in your titles and descriptions.  The time you spend focusing on these details will move you more toward maximum return for your investment in content creation.



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